01. Where is thFAQ’s
01. Where is the school exactly located?
02. How far is the school from Delhi?
The school is about 450 Kms from Delhi. Click Here for Direction
03 How much time it takes to reach school from Delhi?
If you go by road and your own vehicle, it takes 4 to 4 ½ hrs. Click Here for Direction
04. How can we go by bus or train?
There are many buses going to Jaipur / sikar/ Delhi etc. They take approx. 5 to 5.5 hrs to reach Jaipur/Delhi.
05 Up to which standard the school is functioning?
The school is currently till class XII.
06. Is the school affiliated to CBSE?
07. How does JVP Society control the school?
We have to follow all rules and regulations of the JVP Society. The JVP is Run and Managed by
12. How many children are in the school?
As on today we have about 750 children.
13. How big is the school and what infrastructure has been provided?
The pollution free campus. The classrooms are spacious and well ventilated. We have provided a computer & projector in each class and other teaching aids, including Internet and multimedia. Physics, Chemistry, Life – Science, Language, Multimedia, Computer, History, Geography Labs have been provided We have a well-equipped Library, play grounds .
14. How big is the hostel? What do you provide to them?
Each wing of our hostel can accommodate 100 children. The first wing is ready and the second one will be ready for the next academic year. In each dormitory 8 boarders of the same age group are housed together. Each child is provided a bed, mattress, quilt, pillow, bed cover and bedside almirah.
15. Is the hostel air –cool or air-conditioned?
The hostel is air-conditioned.
16. Is the girl hostel separate?
We have separate wing for girls in the same hostel building. There is a separate entrance for the girls. There is no possibility for the boys to enter in the girl’s hostel.
17. Who looks after the boarders?
There are Wardens / Matrons on each floor to look after the boarders. In addition, there are maids & housekeeping to clean and help the younger children get ready.
20. Have you made separate arrangement for the girls?
They stay separately. They are looked after by the Matron. However, study and other activities are held collectively.
21. What is the daily schedule for the hostlers?
The following schedule is followed for the hostlers:
Rising Bell – 6 a.m.
P.T. – 6.15 a.m.
Bath – 6.45 a.m.
B/F – 7.00 to 7.30 a.m.
School – 7.40 to 1.50 p.m.
Lunch – 2.00 to 2.30 p.m.
Rest – 2.30 to 3.00 p.m.
Supervised Study – 3.00 to 5.00 p.m.
Evening Games – 5.30 to 6.30 p.m.
Bath – 6.30 to 7.00 p.m.
Self Study – 7.00 to 8.00 p.m.
Dinner – 8.00 to 8.30 p.m.
Self Study – 8.30 to 9.30 p.m.
Lights off – 10.00 p.m.
22. What arrangements have you made for sick students?
There is a separate clinic under a Nurse. A Doctor is called when required. On the doctor’s advice children are admitted in the hospital.
23. How do you remove the academic shortcomings of the hostlers?
Separate classes are held in the afternoon.
24. What do the children do in the weekends?
Certain activities are organized in the campus or they are taken out in an organized way.
25. When do they go for outings? Who accompanies them?
Once in a month. They are escorted by Warden or teachers.
26. When can the parents meet the children?
Once in a month with prior appointment from the Warden.
27. What is the mode of communication between the children and their parents?
They can ring up on the specific days and timings.
28. Can parents call up their children?
Yes on specific days and timings.
29. How are parents informed about the progress of their ward?
Parents are informed quarterly about their child’s progress at school. They can meet teachers on PTMs and with prior appointments otherwise.
30. Do you have qualified teachers?
They are qualified as per CBSE norms.
31. How do you appoint the teachers?
They are selected and trained by the jvp society as per CBSE norms
33. What steps have you taken to check the Indiscipline among hostelers?
We follow a zero tolerance system. No act of indiscipline is ignored. We take immediate action.
34. How is the food in the hostel?
Quality home-style hygienic, nutritious veg. and non-veg. Indian,
35. What arrangements have you made for the entertainment of the children?
The hostlers play indoor & outdoor games. They watch T.V. for half an hour every day.
36. Do you have any arrangement for the parents to stay for 2-3 days?
No, as it disrupts the child’s schedule if the parents stay on campus. In addition, we cannot verify the backgrounds of other people who are escorting the parents. Hence, we do not have that facility keeping in mind your child’s safety.
37. My child likes to play a particular sport – is there any coaching facility?
Yes, coaches come to train the students in various sportse school exactly located?
02. How far is the school from Delhi?
The school is about 450 Kms from Delhi. Click Here for Direction
03 How much time it takes to reach school from Delhi?
If you go by road and your own vehicle, it takes 4 to 4 ½ hrs. Click Here for Direction
04. How can we go by bus or train?
There are many buses going to Jaipur / sikar/ Delhi etc. They take approx. 5 to 5.5 hrs to reach Jaipur/Delhi.
05 Up to which standard the school is functioning?
The school is currently till class XII.
06. Is the school affiliated to CBSE?
07. How does JVP Society control the school?
We have to follow all rules and regulations of the JVP Society. The JVP is Run and Managed by
12. How many children are in the school?
As on today we have about 750 children.
13. How big is the school and what infrastructure has been provided?
The pollution free campus. The classrooms are spacious and well ventilated. We have provided a computer & projector in each class and other teaching aids, including Internet and multimedia. Physics, Chemistry, Life – Science, Language, Multimedia, Computer, History, Geography Labs have been provided We have a well-equipped Library, play grounds .
14. How big is the hostel? What do you provide to them?
Each wing of our hostel can accommodate 100 children. The first wing is ready and the second one will be ready for the next academic year. In each dormitory 8 boarders of the same age group are housed together. Each child is provided a bed, mattress, quilt, pillow, bed cover and bedside almirah.
15. Is the hostel air –cool or air-conditioned?
The hostel is air-conditioned.
16. Is the girl hostel separate?
We have separate wing for girls in the same hostel building. There is a separate entrance for the girls. There is no possibility for the boys to enter in the girl’s hostel.
17. Who looks after the boarders?
There are Wardens / Matrons on each floor to look after the boarders. In addition, there are maids & housekeeping to clean and help the younger children get ready.
20. Have you made separate arrangement for the girls?
They stay separately. They are looked after by the Matron. However, study and other activities are held collectively.
21. What is the daily schedule for the hostlers?
The following schedule is followed for the hostlers:
Rising Bell – 6 a.m.
P.T. – 6.15 a.m.
Bath – 6.45 a.m.
B/F – 7.00 to 7.30 a.m.
School – 7.40 to 1.50 p.m.
Lunch – 2.00 to 2.30 p.m.
Rest – 2.30 to 3.00 p.m.
Supervised Study – 3.00 to 5.00 p.m.
Evening Games – 5.30 to 6.30 p.m.
Bath – 6.30 to 7.00 p.m.
Self Study – 7.00 to 8.00 p.m.
Dinner – 8.00 to 8.30 p.m.
Self Study – 8.30 to 9.30 p.m.
Lights off – 10.00 p.m.
22. What arrangements have you made for sick students?
There is a separate clinic under a Nurse. A Doctor is called when required. On the doctor’s advice children are admitted in the hospital.
23. How do you remove the academic shortcomings of the hostlers?
Separate classes are held in the afternoon.
24. What do the children do in the weekends?
Certain activities are organized in the campus or they are taken out in an organized way.
25. When do they go for outings? Who accompanies them?
Once in a month. They are escorted by Warden or teachers.
26. When can the parents meet the children?
Once in a month with prior appointment from the Warden.
27. What is the mode of communication between the children and their parents?
They can ring up on the specific days and timings.
28. Can parents call up their children?
Yes on specific days and timings.
29. How are parents informed about the progress of their ward?
Parents are informed quarterly about their child’s progress at school. They can meet teachers on PTMs and with prior appointments otherwise.
30. Do you have qualified teachers?
They are qualified as per CBSE norms.
31. How do you appoint the teachers?
They are selected and trained by the jvp society as per CBSE norms
33. What steps have you taken to check the Indiscipline among hostelers?
We follow a zero tolerance system. No act of indiscipline is ignored. We take immediate action.
34. How is the food in the hostel?
Quality home-style hygienic, nutritious veg. and non-veg. Indian,
35. What arrangements have you made for the entertainment of the children?
The hostlers play indoor & outdoor games. They watch T.V. for half an hour every day.
36. Do you have any arrangement for the parents to stay for 2-3 days?
No, as it disrupts the child’s schedule if the parents stay on campus. In addition, we cannot verify the backgrounds of other people who are escorting the parents. Hence, we do not have that facility keeping in mind your child’s safety.
37. My child likes to play a particular sport – is there any coaching facility?
Yes, coaches come to train the students in various sports