Hostel – A Home Away From Home
Life in a hostel means a whole panorama of experiences that span from making ‘friends for life’, to gaining the confidence to face life independently. That is why we have laid a lot of emphasis in creating a warm, welcoming, invigorating and home-like atmosphere in our separate boys’ and girls’ hostels. At JVP Bagar , the hostel is a home away from home, where the children develop the ‘confidence to be independent’, be it friendships, food, belongings, rooms, joys, sorrows, challenges or any of the uncountable experiences of growing-up together.
Encouraging studies with special help
The teaching staff, resident staff or senior students take a personal interest in each boarder’s progress, guiding, advising and encouraging them as required. Evening homework classes are conducted under the supervision of teachers who assist in completion of homework.
The well-equipped Medical and Health Centre
The hostel runs a Health Centre under the supervision of a team of doctors for providing facilities of medical check-up and treatment to resident students along with qualified nurses who are in attendance 24 hours a day. A team of medical specialists also provide routine medical treatment & checkups during the school hours under the ‘Health plus’ programme. Regular talks and orientations are also held for the children on various health and hygiene related issues.
Interaction with Boarders
Children are encouraged write letters to their parents regularly. In addition, children may receive calls from parents according to the calling schedule.
Once a month all children whose birthday falls in that month come together for a cake cutting ceremony along with a dance party and a special menu for the day.
Support system
The school has a well established support system for children which includes laundry, haircutting, tailoring, shoe mending, locksmiths, electrician and carpenters.
Comprehensive Security System
The School has close guarded security system manned by security experts. An TV surveillance system covering the whole campus assists the security personnel provide round-the-clock security for the students.
- Hostel students will follow the daily routine of the Hostel and School, unless exempted on medical grounds on the recommendation of the Hostel Warden / Medical Officer.
- They are not allowed to stay in the rooms during school hours / games / activity / study time.
- They are not allowed to keep or take medicines or tonic without the knowledge of the Hostel Warden. Any Medicines must be handed over to the Warden concerned.
- CD player and tape – recorders with external speakers should not be played or used in the rooms.
- Mobile phones are not permitted in the school premises.
- Please don’t send any cash / valuable articles through your ward(S) without the knowledge of House Warden. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any property of the student.
- Electric kettles, heaters, irons or any other such appliances should not be used in the rooms.
- Students are expected to scan the notice board and follow the instructions given to them. All notices will put up on the Hostel Notice Board. Announcements, if any, will be made during dinnertime.
- Hostel students will be allowed to go home during the long and short breaks. The local guardians / parents will collect the child from the school Hostel and make arrangement for his / her travel. All boarders will return to the hostel a day before the school reopens (5 p.m.). A fine of Rs. 500/- will be imposed for late arrival. Furthermore, the school reserves the right to terminate the hostel admission of any student not reporting back in time.
- Remedial classes will be taken for weak students and it is compulsory for those identified for this to attend these classes.
- Any hostel student falling sick will report to the Clinic through the Hostel Warden immediately.
- Any willful damage to or theft of School property or other’s property will be regarded as a breach of School /Hostel rules and the student would be fined by School Authorities.
- Expensive parties to celebrate birthdays are not allowed. The School will arrange for a cake, sweets and snacks for a small party within a reasonable amount. The House Warden will undertake the arrangements for this. However the amount to be spent for the said party will be billed to the parents.
- The student should not carry any kind of tuck from home. [Extra eatables, pickles, chutneys and digestive tablets are not permissible.]. Items like Gutka, Cigarettes, alcohol or even empty packets of these found in possession of students will qualify for serious disciplinary action.
- Students can avail of the facility of Tuck-shop, Tailor, Barber, cobbler, in the Boarding House on writing a slip with the signature of the warden. Glue or items for repair of shoes are neither permissible nor required.
- The child has an option of co-curricular Activities, Equestrian training, Aerobics, Yoga and Work Experience (SUPW) participation in one or more of these activities are compulsory.
- Parents are requested to get the student's Roll number stitched on every item of clothing.
- Parents are required to pay on demand all bills or charges for items or services incurred by their wards, over and above the scheduled annual fixed charge.
- Any inquiries regarding their wards by parents must be made only to the Housemistress or the Warden concerned. Specially, contacting the Matron or any other Hostel staff is prohibited.
- Entry into the Hostel by parents is prohibited. They may meet their wards in the Visitors Room.
The School does not believe in corporal punishment. In the case of breakage or damage of school property suitable penalty would be charged. The school provides counseling through a trained counselor. Disciplinary measures are taken in case of violation of hostel rules. School reserves the right to expel any student from the hostel incase the school authorities find that the conduct of any hosteller is harmful to other students.
Hotel Fee Structure

Boarders are provided with a bed, a cupboard, a Study unit and a chair. Each boarder must maintain utmost cleanliness and make sure the floor under his/her bed and cupboard is clean. Waste paper and refuse must be thrown in the dustbins provided in the rooms and not littered on the floor.
CUP BOARDS- Cupboards must be arranged neatly. Surprise checks will be made by Hostel Wardens. Any extra items, other than those specified in the hostel kit will be confiscated. Shoes will be arranged neatly in the shoe rack. The number of shoes is limited to four pairs (School shoes, track shoes, Sandals and slippers). Boarders will dust their rooms and cupboard tops daily.
STUDY UNITS - Books shelves are to be used for books and stationery only and not for toiletries. Books must be neatly arranged and each boarder will be responsible for the dusting and cleaning of his/her bookshelf.
Keeping eatables in the dorms is unhygienic and is prohibited.
All children can also bring their own musical instruments and art material if they wish.
Please note that computer games, calculators, mobile phones, electronic items, Walkmans, CD Players etc are NOT permitted.
Children may bring their cameras, but these must be handed over to the respective wardens for safekeeping. They will be allowed to take and use them whenever necessary.
Children who wish to play tennis must bring their own racquets and tennis balls.
An identity card will be issued to the local guardians of every hostel student. No local guardians will be permitted to visit their wards without the identity card.
Visitors will meet their wards in the Visitors’ Room Reception area.
In case of an emergency, visits can be arranged with the Principal’s permission.
Parents or visitors are not permitted to enter the hostel under any circumstances, except the visiting room area specially designated for meeting their wards.
Parents are not allowed to meet their ward(s) in the school/ hostel without the prior consent of the Principal or Hostel Authority.
Hostellers will be allowed night-out on the 4th Saturday/ Sunday/ after school hours in a month. Please note that these outings are not compulsory. If you are too far away or unable to come for any other reason, we will look after the hosteller. Please note that the hostellers must be dropped back in the hostel by 5 p.m. The outing facility will be withdrawn from any students returning late. A fine of Rs. 500/- will be imposed for every late arrival. Further, the school reserves the right to terminate the hostel admission of any boarder not reporting back in time. Medical leave before or after a break will not be granted.
Hostellers may be collected for the assigned weekend by their local guardians/parents on Saturday between 2.30 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. They must report back to the hostel on the following Sunday by 5.00 p.m.
Gate pass for Day/Night exit or to meet your ward(s) can be issued by the Warden concerned.
In case of emergency exit, after discussion with the Principal the Warden may issue the gate pass.
When hostellers are unable to return on time after a weekends & holiday, leave letters should be sent to the warden by the local guardian within 24 hours. Such leave will be only granted for medical should be submitted along with the leave application.
If hostellers overstays his/her outing and returns late, the student will forfeit a number of outings equal to the number of days extra taken.
All Hostel students of the school treated outside for any illness are required to bring a fitness certificate before joining the hostel. Only then will they be allowed to re-join the hostel
Any case of illness should be immediately reported to the Hostel Warden.
- in the Boarding House are medically examined by qualified and experienced Doctors. In case of emergency the parents will immediately be informed by the warden and parents can then decide upon further treatment of their wards. The school authorities do not take the responsibility of any kind of surgery
All Hostel students will be referred to the VKNRL Medical Officer for check up, treatment and follow up action. They will be taken /sent back to the hostel after being declared fit by the Medical Officer.
If a student is withdrawn from the school during the session, the following rules would be applicable.
Notice of withdrawal must be given within 30 days of the last date of the term. Tution fees has to be paid for the entire period including notice period. Full fees would be charged for shorter period of notice.
If a hosteller is withdrawn from the hostel, full fees and All the annual charges have to be paid.
If a hosteller is away for more than a week without permission, the name will be struck off the rolls.
In the case of non payment of fees installments, the hostellers name will be struck off the hostel rolls after a month and it would be treated as a case of automatic withdrawal from the hostel.
Hostel Schedule
Sample Menu for Hostellers