Payment of Fee:–
Full payment of all the fee and dues as payable by a new student at the time of admission as per the schedule laid down by the school. Payment can be made through a bank draft or ‘at par’ cheque. Demand Draft should be made in the name of “Jyoti vidyapeeth sr. sec. school, Bagar” payable at Bagar.
Hostel fee is charged quarterly. First quarterly fee is charged with the admission fee. After PDC is payable at par for fee payable upto 1st of July, Oct. and Jan. are to be paid along with the fee payable in April. For any cheque not cleared up to due date for any reason, a penalty of Rs. 200/- plus Rs. 100/- per day fine for hostellers and Rs. 50/- per day for day scholars will be charged for the delayed payment till 30th day of that month in which the fee is due. Thereafter the name of the student will be struck off the rolls and re-admission fee will be charged to continue study in the school. Re-admission will be granted subject to the availability of seat and payment of arrears along with re-admission fee.
- In order to meet the incidental expenses of boarders, such as school uniforms, books, stationery, pocket money, personal expenses for outings, imprest money is to be deposited with the school. The account of expenses incurred will be rendered to the parents from time to time.
- Children for whom fee have not been paid up-to-date may be prevented from taking school or public examinations. Transfer certificate will not be issued until all outstanding amounts are cleared.
- The fee payable is subject to change from time to time. Parents will, however, be informed of any such changes.
- In case of withdrawal, the Caution Money will be refunded subject to the clearance of all dues and 3 months notice for boarders and 1 month notice for day scholars is required for withdrawal otherwise the security deposit shall not be refunded.
Admission will be valid only if the fee is paid in full by the due date along with the necessary documents and certificates as mentioned above and on completion of all formalities.